10 Facts About Me


As an introduction to this new ElephantBum blog I thought I would give you all 10 facts about me. Not just my favourite colour, food etc but facts that I would only say a handful of people know about me. So hear it goes…

1.    I have a fear of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ not just the movie but lots of separate aspects of the movie, which has stopped me from doing things in my life. I can’t watch any other film with Gene Wilder in it, I can’t watch films from the seventies (they have the same “feel” to them), I can’t visit chocolate factories, I can’t read the book and the hint of any of the songs from the movie instantly make my hands clammy. This is a completely rational fear I am sure that one day I will meet someone else who is just as scared as I am.

2.    I find it really hard to make new friends, which explains why most of my friends have been in my life for 10 plus years. I am not to sure what it is but I think I am pretty strange and that’s quite a lot to throw on someone when you have only just met. Anyone else have this problem?

3.    I stick my tongue out when I concentrate; I have done this since I was little and most of the time I don’t even know I am doing it.

4.    I am not the biggest fan of fizzy drinks; I am not a fan of the bubbles. I like to open a fizzy drink and leave it standing for a couple of hours and then drink it. Yes I know this means it is flat and warm but that is when it is at its finest (In my opinion anyway).

5.    I can’t tell the time on a 24-hour clock.

6.    I collect ‘Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone’ I currently have 20 variations of the first book. I have different languages (Latin being the coolest) and different cover designs (including one I designed myself for my degree) but my favourite is when they have inscriptions written inside the cover.

7.    I will wear the same pair of trainers until they fall off my feet or my mother throws them in the bin (actually happened more than once). I get stressed picking an outfit everyday so by I only having one pair of shoes means I don’t get stressed. I also own sliders that are permanently attached to my fit during the summer period (no shame)

8.    I love pizza, I could eat it for every meal of the day but I only eat Margherita I know this is strange but I don’t like the fact that the whole pizza just tastes of the toppings. I am also very fussy about cheese to sauce to crust ratio.

9.    I am extremely competitive. Its not that I am a sore loser its more that I don’t believe in the ‘It’s the taking part the counts’ motto. This attitude has lead to many friends and family not wanting to play games with me, which is sad because I do love a board game.

10.  I own a lot of t-shirts! Surely I am not alone in this…surely…please someone else admit to owning too many t-shirts…please.

There it is 10 facts about me, hopefully you now know a little bit more about me. But I don’t know anything about, please let me know if you can relate to any of my facts but if not let me know something about you that only a handful of people know.

Hope you’re having a great day!


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